February 09, 2011

Niraj Kajaria Buyer Future Venture ; Essar Steel , Jullundur Motor ; Gujarat NRE

We want to buy
Future Venture At 14.50
Essar Steel at 52
Jullundur Motor at 165
Gujarat Nre Minerals at 45

any quantity/big lot
Call Kajaria Securities & Finance
9831077353, 9830022485
033 32930043/0129


  1. Bharat Nidhi Ltd : There is some information that in Jeetega Jaun site that ther is likely to be reverse merger of Bhart Nidhi with BCCL and THere is likely to b IPO of BCCL in 2012. Any readers her Can commentabout implicatons if suchdevelopments materialise.?

  2. In view of my earlier message Sellers in Bharat Nidhi think whether rethinking necessary?

  3. Bharat Nidhi ltd :Shri Sathyakam Mishrajee Can you please throw further light on the reported developments.

  4. vishwaasp why dont u share your no ?

  5. Blog having any genuine problem.? Aswani Agarwalji was reacting promptly earlier, But no response from him since last 6 days.Looks strange.

  6. Agarwaljee,Thank you forcoming back again. Vinaya
