September 14, 2012

Guidance Wanted on Cadbury Share Rate

what could be the current off-market value for Cadbury?

 Any suggestion?

1 comment:

  1. Buying/Selling

    Bharat Nidhi 7500-7800
    PNB Finance 5300-5700
    Bharati Telecom 3500-3700
    Ratnakar Bank 75-78
    Essar Steel 39-43
    Bse 185-205
    Lux 110-130
    Hdfc 135-155
    Jullundur motor 155-165
    Cadbury 1750-1900
    TCS 3300-3500
    EASTERN INV 4000-5000
    DSE 17-20
    TATA TEC 525-550
    GUJ NRE MIN 14-16
    PHILIPS 190-210
    BHARAT TELE TEC 175-250
    FRICK 520-550
    AB CORP 22-28
    ARC PHARMA 200-275
    Nath Biogine 30-35
    Aspinwall 115-125
    MSTC 2800-3100
    SBI Home 1.5-3
    Catholic S Bank 165-180
    Kudramukh 270-290
    Sygenta 520-550
    Binani Zinc 15
    Hind Vidyut 750-850
    Bangalore Stock Exchange 10-12
    Shreno 2100-2500
    Mideast 20
    Binani 4500

    and many more Delisted Shares
