November 18, 2014

Govt. Should Honour All Those Patriotic Indians Who Lent Govt Their Personal Gold.

Patriotic Indians gave their personal Gold Jewellery to Govt. in 1993 ( and in earlier National Emergencies like 1962 War )
Govt. should treat all Indians fairly and equally and stop Vote Bank based policies.
If we do have to come down to the level of CASTE based analysis then we have to state that the Father of the Nation was from the Trading Class ( and now it is the Trading Class is at the Receiving End by the Vote Banks who have monopolised Power and Privileges in Free India ).

1 comment:

  1. Gold eased as the dollar rose on news that Japan had slipped into recession U.S. manufacturing output rose only modestly, other data overnight showed a rebound in factory activity in New York State.
