November 21, 2018

My No Connection With Such Emails

Dear ashwinijee

This is the mail recd from unknown people in your name please alert at your site immediately

M# 98246 01977
M# 94261 31075

Sent from RediffmailNG on Android

From: Violet Henry <>
Sent: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 03:02:31 GMT+0530
Subject: Re: Rare Indian Shares ( by Ashwani K Aggarwal )

Hi there,
I came across your site while looking for resources for our next blog and I knew I had to reach out immediately, kudos on a fantastic blog. My name is Violet, and I'm reaching out on behalf of a leading financial advise company.
We are in the process of securing sponsored placements for our client and we are wondering if you are interested in featuring such a post on your site. For the privilege of being featured on your site, we would be happy to offer a fee in the region of $50.
Let me know your thoughts.
Kind regards,

I profusely thank Tushar Agarwal for bringing such messages to our notice.

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