September 29, 2020

C and S Electric to Sell Units to Private Co of Promoters ? Please Recheck all Information

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It appears C and S Electric has sold to Siemens bulk of its manufacturing facilities .

 It appears that other businesses are , now , being sold to a Private Limited Co. Neeru Holding Private Ltd , owned by the Pomoters.

Special Resolutions are being got approved by Postal ballot.

 - Entire shareholding in Cand S Electric International B.V. ,  wholly owned foreign subsidiary to Neeru Holdings Private Ltd . for Rs. 25 crore 

- Sale of Lighting division , MV Switchgear Div , Diesel Genset Div to Neeru Holding Private Ltd for Rs.  148 cr



Official site 



  1. Is this sale good for minority Shareholder or we must vote against it.

  2. The sale appears to be at an under priced consideration.
