January 11, 2023

My Income Tax Raid -Long Time Back -Memories

Long time ago , when I was raided by the Income Tax ( at 3 places ) I was present in one office .
After Senior officers left a few clerks remained in my office to prepare inventory of the Share Certificates ( Every thing was in Physical then ).
They found a document. One person dictated to another who was writing down "Name of the Company - Overnite, Shares 31 . Where. is the folio No. ? ".
I waited for some time ( smiling inwardly ). 
Then I told them that it was only a Courier Receipt for Rs. 31
I have the unique honour of being probably the only Handicapped Assessee to have been raided by Income Tax.
Spent 15 years in very expensive litigation right up to Income Tax Appellate Tribunal , Maqbool Road ,Amritsar



  1. Whatsapp Group of Dalmia Bharat Refractories Public Shareholders
    Please contact

    Mr Amit Samaiya 99931 75275

    Request to Mr.KR Jayanthilal ji to provide his contact details to Mr. Samaiya ji

    Public Shareholders of Dalmia Bharat Refractories Unite to Demand Fair Returns and Justice

    Please read ;-

    Dalmia Bharat Refractories in Tearing Hurry in RHI Deal- Nothing For DBR Public Shareholders in Windfall Profits

  2. Ashwiniji really u have great patience
    Dil se naman aapko for ur long fight for justice

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 9993175275 amit samaiyaJanuary 11, 2023

    Thanku sir ji

  5. Thank you Tushar ji and Samaiya ji.i I am honoured and humbled.by your kind words . --Regards
