July 23, 2024

My Memories - Cinema Houses and My St Stephen's College , Delhi Years 1975-80

Talking of Cinema Houses experience during our College time ( 1975-80 ) , I keep remembering my following scary experience .
.During my later years in College , I had started to develop my disability and I started having difficulty in running and boarding buses etc.
Once , I and my Stephanian colleague went to see a late evening show at Palace Cinema Hall near Old Subzi Mandi ( Roshanara Road ). Roashanara Road was then the hub of truckers .
At the Box office we were greeted with a " House Full " board.
Disappointed I told my friend , " Let go back to College ".
However my friend was a tenacious person. He said , " Wait " and soon spotted a Black Market Ticket Seller ( Double Rate .)
We bought two tickets and made to the Entrance Hall. The Cinema Usher checked our tickets and softly cursed and said , " Not again ". He said this is the second time , for that show , some body has brought these dud tickets.
Sure , we had checked the Date and show timing which were correct. But we had not read properly the name of the Cinema House which was a different one ( Filmistan ) at considerable distance with an unknown film running there.
Cheated and utterly disappointed I told my friend , " Let us forget our money and go back ".
My friend was bold and resourceful and told me to wait ..
He stood in the passage as if he was waiting for some one. 
Soon his bait was taken up by a burly / well built Sardarji ( must be a trucker ).
"Do you have spare tickets ?" He asked .
My friend : " Yes , but I am waiting for some one ".
My friend knew well that I could not run told me , " Commie , you disappear now "
He told me later that
After a few minutes the burly man again ,
" Hun Vech Vi do . Tuhada Banda nahin aa raha. Film shuru Hon Wali Hai "
My friend , " Accha Nikalo 20 Rupiye ( same as we had paid the Black marketer . No Loss - No Profit basis )
I slowly walked alone to the College taking the uphill road via Hindu Rao Hospital .
My walk must have taken some time because when I reached Residence my friend was already there.
Alarmed and extremely worried at my delay in reaching back my friend had gathered a team of tough College mates and armed with hockey sticks etc they were to mount a rescue mission to save me , presumably ,from the burly Sardarji , who , my concerned friend felt , might have caught hold me and may have been giving me a sound thrashing.
Well , there a collective shout of relief and heave of sigh from the would be rescuers ," Commie is back ( and unharmed ).
My College - St. Stephen's College , Delhi
Commie ( Comrade ) my nickname given to me affectionately in College. In my Punjab Public School , Nabha I was called " Machhar


Calcutta Stock Exchange -CSE- 2022-2023 Annual Report

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 Some shares of Calcutta Stock Exchange are available , for sale / purchase ,with Dealers of Rare Indian Shares

July 22, 2024

Byju's - News -Moneycontrol Link

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 Blog Comments   

Some pre IPO shares of Byju's  are available , for sale / purchase , with Dealers of Rare Indian Shares

July 21, 2024

HDB Financial Services IPO News

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  Blog Comments   

Some pre IPO shares of HDB Financial  are available , for sale / purchase , with Dealers of Rare Indian Shares



July 11, 2024

HDB Financial, HDFC Bank May Sell 20% Moneycontrol Link

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July 20, 2024

ICICI Securities Delisting Case May Go to High Court - ET Link

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old posts

 April 28, 2024

Class Action Suit Against ICICI Securities Delisting - Shareholders Activism Zindabad

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 As per section 245 of the Company Act 2013 such a suit  may be filed (where one or several persons join together and sue on behalf of a larger group of person) if they are of the opinion that the management or conduct of the affairs of the company are being conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the company or its members or depositors.


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Old Post 

February 14, 2018

Games Promoters Play ( on Minority Public Shareholders ).

Promoters use clever moves to forcibly eject Public shareholders when ever they feel like i.e. when the Company has excellent future prospects or when it suits the Promoters. 

1 ) Selective cancellation of Non Promoters shares.

2 ) Conversion of Equity shares in to Redeemable Preference Shares.

3 ) Consolidation of face value of one share to a Higher Denomination .

4 . Get shares listed in a Non -Operational  Stock Exchange like Metropolitan Stock Exchange

In all cases , valuers are appointed and Paid by the Company. Thus they are Promoters' Agents.





( Josh Malihabadi )

Saada Haq -   Ethey Rakh



April 24, 2024

ICICI Securities Shareholders Challenge Delisting , Form Action Committee - ET Link

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Blog Comments

Shareholders' Activism Zindabad

 Share Activism is a step in the Right Direction. There is , always , a threat of oppression by the Majority shareholders ( Promoters )on Minority ( Public ) shareholders.

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 Till date, the most powerful tool in the hands of minority shareholders has been bringing a suit for oppression and 

mismanagement, said Suhail Nathani, managing partner, Economic Law Practice. "Under the 2013 Companies Act, 

Section 245, over 100 shareholders can also file a class action suit but its application and enforcement is still nascent," 
he said. 

Read more at:
 General Warning : Investment in Shares Can be Injurious to Your WEALTH

Disclosure : The Blog writer in his / family names has  holdings in this Company So please make suitable " provisions " for any likely Over Optimism

NB :All information given in good faith. Please recheck every point before taking any investment decision. No responsibility with this Blog or Blog Writer